It’s time to throw shade!

Poodlana Fashion Week

The ultimate Fashion Week competition is here, and I’m expecting nothing less than flawless from you all!

How to Enter
Interact with every post, thread and comment that I grace with the hashtag #PoodlanaFashionWeek for the chance to Win $200. The winner will be the person that has the top number of interactions with our posts. A like, a comment, RT, all count as a single interaction.
If the look does not serve, then they will be served in L’s and sentenced for their fashion crimes. The only thing trending on the runway should be my hashtag #PoodlanaFashionWeek.
Competition Timeline
Entries open NOW - 6PM Friday 13th, winner announced 7PM Friday 13th, prize $200
Entries open 9AM Monday 16th - 6PM Friday 21st, winner announced 7PM Friday 21st, prize $200.
Entries open 9AM Monday 23rd - 6PM Friday 28th, winner announced 7PM Friday 28th, prize $200
Entries open 9AM Monday 30th - 6PM Friday 4th, winner announced 7PM Friday 4th, prize $200. All times in UTC
Competition Rules
Poodlana’s Rules
I have the final say on all rules and the validity of entries. Don’t like it? Too bad.
No Competition Junkies
If your X account screams "I live for competitions," you're out. We want genuine engagement, not desperate attempts.
Bot-Free Zone
If we sniff out bot-driven engagement, consider yourself disqualified. Authenticity only, please.